WEB – CMS Technologies and Future Challenges
WEB1, WEB2, WEB3, CMS – Content Management System, wordPress.com, blogger.com, sites.google.comAbstract
The development of web technologies is one of the most significant characteristics of the digital age. Web Content Management Systems (CMS) enable users to create, manage, and update content with ease, without requiring in-depth technical knowledge. Their evolution has progressed from the static structures of WEB 1.0 to the decentralized and intelligent platforms of WEB 3.0.
The purpose of this work is to present:
- The evolutionary rise of web technologies, including WEB 1.0, WEB 2.0, and WEB 3.0, along with the fundamental aspects of CMS and WCMS technologies.
- Main trends in WEB 3.0 technologies and the challenges shaping the future of web development.
- Examples of websites based on WEB 2.0 technologies.
My practical experience: practical models developed within an teaching project, specifically blog-style websites hosted in cloud-based environments: www.wordPress.com www.blogger.com www.sites.google.com
ბლოკჩეინი - რა არის ბლოკჩეინი?ბოლო ნახვის თარიღი 30.11.2024
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WEB 3 - რა არის web3 ტექნოლოგია და მომავალი გამოწვევები.
https://www.marketer.ge/web-3-da-momavali/ ბოლო ნახვის თარიღი 30.11.2024
WEB3 -ის 5 საუკეთესო ტენდენცია რომლებსაც 2023 წელს ვიხილავთ. ბოლო ნახვის თარიღი 30.11.2024 https://lemons.ge/ka/blog/53-%E1%83%A1%E1%83%90%E1%83%98%E1%83%9C%E1%83%A2%E1%83%94%E1%83%A0%E1%83%94%E1%83%A1%E1%83%9D/488-web3-is-5-sauketeso-tendencia-romlebsac-2023-tsels-vixilavt
Web3? რა არის Web3? - TECH INFORM ბოლო ნახვის თარიღი 30.11.2024