The Role of the Entrepreneurial Team in the Development of Enterprises

The Role of the Entrepreneurial Team in the Development of Enterprises


  • Nana Rinkiashvili Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University image/svg+xml
  • Ia Jimshitashvili Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University image/svg+xml



Entrepreneurial team, entrepreneurial culture, team management


In the article we discuss the entrepreneurial culture that is prevalent in modern Georgian business and, accordingly, does not pay enough attention by business operators. However, in the business culture of developed countries, many studies have shown that a professional team is superior to individual workers. Although entrepreneurial culture refers to the entire environment where individuals are motivated to generate innovative ideas and discuss them, the authors focus on the main component and integral part of the culture - the workers who form entrepreneurial groups.

One of the necessary conditions for the functioning of a business company is the creation of an effective entrepreneurial team. The team should be a well-knit, flexible organism and should be able to respond quickly and effectively to any changes. The goal of the functioning of such groups should be to achieve long-term positive results, the working group may be temporary, but the result they achieve should definitely be profitable for any business in the future.

Considering the modern competitive environment, the success of a business depends on the entrepreneur's ability to form a team that will be able to understand new innovative ideas, analyze their feasibility and, as a result, develop an effective business model so that the firm can achieve long-term success.

In the conditions of the modern competitive environment, more business operators will be able to form their own teams, which will be able to understand new ideas, analyze their feasibility and, as a result, develop a business model, which will allow the firm to achieve increased longevity.

The authors studied and analyzed several scientific studies and relevant scientific literature, as a result of which the purpose of the work was revealed and the main point here was not the importance and necessity of the entrepreneurial groups, which is no longer controversial from either a scientific or practical point of view, we have highlighted exactly those mistakes that the entrepreneur - businessman may make during forming an entrepreneurial group.

As we noted in the article, for a company to achieve long-term success in a competitive market, it is important to understand that the idea and an opportunity are completely different phenomena, and for the idea to turn into the opportunity for a company, the functioning of entrepreneurial teams needs to be oriented towards common strategic goals.


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How to Cite

Rinkiashvili, N., & Jimshitashvili, I. (2025). The Role of the Entrepreneurial Team in the Development of Enterprises. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(37).


