Humanism in the Works of V.M. Shukshin
Shushkin, humanism, human nature, imaginationAbstract
The works of V.M. Shukshin are full of deep insight into human nature, internal conflicts, joys and suffering. The writer draws his characters through a description of their everyday life. He describes their everyday worries and troubles, joys and difficulties, relationships and love... Relationships of different types - family, friendship, love, business - influence the fate of the characters, which the writer emphasizes.
Shukshin's work is a deep and multifaceted study of human nature, which immerses the reader in the unique aspects of the life and fate of ordinary people.
In Shukshin’s art, the life of the writer-artist himself and the product of his imagination are intricately intertwined, which is sometimes not clear whether the author calls for humanity or his heroes.
Шукшин В.М. До третьих петухов: рассказы и сказка / В.М.Шукшин; вступ. ст. и сост. В.Курбатова; худож. П.Пинкесевич. – Москва: Дет. лит., 2013. – 332 с.: ил. – (Школьная библиотека).
Scheler M. Die Stellung der Menschen im Kosmos [Место человека в космосе]. Darmstadt, 1928. Цит. по: Бердяев Н.А. О назначении человека. М., 1993.