
  • Оlena Shimko Donbass State Machine-Building Academy



Donbas, pension provision, social policy, social protection, developed socialism, benefits


Оne of the most important forms of social protection in the Soviet Union was the pension provision of citizens. There were various types of pensions: in connection with old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner, etc. Expenditures on pensions, as well as on various types of assistance, were carried out at the expense of the state budget and funds from state, cooperative enterprises, collective farms, trade unions and other organizations. The article analyzes the directions of state planning in the field of pension provision of the population, changes in pension legislation, methods for encouraging pensioners to continue working in the sectors of the national economy after retirement. The average size of monthly pensions, the number of pensioners and the amounts of monthly pensions paid to them in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the number of working pensioners by age in the indicated regions are also determined. In general, it can be concluded that pension provision in Donbas during 1965-1985, compared to previous years, has significantly improved. The amount of pension payments to both urban and rural pensioners was significantly increased, which had a positive effect on their material well-being and reduced the difference between the average pension and the average salary. The pension received by a former employee depended on several factors: length of service, position, salary level. A negative point was the establishment of a pension threshold, above which the employee was not paid benefits, even in the case of a very high salary.


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State Archives of Donetsk Region. F. R-4249 Statistical Department of Donetsk Region. Op.6 prod. Ref.7585. Statistical collection of the Central Statistical Bureau of the Ukrainian SSR on population growth, natural movement, growth of the network and personnel of medical institutions, recreation, development of physical culture and social security in the USSR in the context of republics and regions for 1913, 1926, 1939, 1940, 1950, 1955-77 у. 1977 у.

The table was compiled by the author based on data from: Central State Administration of Social Security of Ukraine. F. 348. Ministry of Social Security. Op. 3. Ref.1355. Annual reports on the number of registered pensioners, the amounts of monthly pensions assigned to them and their employment, and on the number of pensioners who are members of collective farms and the amounts of monthly pensions assigned to them, according to the data of the inventory of pension cases and personal accounts for 1965. 1965 R. 59-60. Spr. 1629. Annual statistical reports of the Ministry, regional councils on the number of pensioners, the amounts of pensions assigned to them for 1970. 1971 R. 30-31. Spr. 2274. Statistical report of the Ministry on the number of pensioners and the amounts of pensions awarded to them (f. No. 94 RYK gosudarstvennaya) for 1980. 1980 R. 30-31. Spr. 2599. Statistical report of the Ministry on the number of pensioners and the amounts of pensions awarded to them (f. No. 94 RYK gosudarstennanaya) for 1985. 1985 у. Р. 26-27.

The table was compiled by the author based on data from: Central State Administrative Service of Ukraine. F. 348 Ministry of Social Security. Op. 3. Ref.1355. Annual reports on the number of registered pensioners, the amounts of monthly pensions assigned to them and their employment, and on the number of pensioners who are members of collective farms and the amounts of monthly pensions assigned to them, according to the data of the inventory of pension cases and personal accounts for 1965. 1965 R. 75-76. Spr. 1629. Annual statistical reports of the Ministry, regional councils on the number of pensioners, the amounts of pensions assigned to them for 1970. 1971 R. 23-24. Spr. 2274. Statistical report of the Ministry on the number of pensioners and the amounts of pensions awarded to them (f. No. 94 РыК государственная) for 1980. 1980 R. 24-25. Spr. 2599. Statistical report of the Ministry on the number of pensioners and the amounts of pensions awarded to them (f. No. 94 RYK gosudarstennanaya) for 1985. 1985 у. Р. 13-13а.

State Archives of Donetsk Region. F. R-4249 Statistical Department of Donetsk Region. Op.6 prod. Ref.7585. Statistical collection of the Central Statistical Bureau of the Ukrainian SSR on population growth, natural movement, growth of the network and personnel of medical institutions, recreation, development of physical culture and social security in the USSR in the context of republics and regions for 1913, 1926, 1939, 1940, 1950, 1955-77 у. 1977 у.

State Archives of Donetsk Region. F. R-5154 Department of Social Security of the Executive Committee of the Donetsk Regional Council of Workers' Deputies. Op.1 prod. Spr.1873. Information from departments and offices of the regional executive committee, regional social security department and city district social security department on the implementation of the executive committee decision of 18.03.1983 No. 366 «On measures to further improve social services to the population». 1985 у.



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