Study of the Physical-Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Bread Enriched with Dried Black Plum (Prune)
bread, dried black plum, biologically active substances, energy valueAbstract
A study was conducted to investigate the physicochemical parameters and organoleptic properties of standard bread and bread enriched with dried prunes. The results showed that the use of dried prunes affects the bread's crumb acidity, moisture, porosity, as well as the content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The energy value of the finished product was 237.65 kcal. Bread enriched with dried prunes stands out not only for its taste and distinctiveness but also for the biologically active substances contained in the various natural ingredients. Together, these contribute to the high nutritional value of the final product, giving it functional significance from a therapeutic, preventive, and health-promoting perspective.
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