political life, political subjects, political activity, politics, political powerAbstract
The article examines the concept of political life as the activities and relations of political subjects related to the expression and realization of social interests of classes and social groups of society as a whole. The author claims that the emphasis in defining political life should not be on the organization of political power or decision-making, but on the expression and realization of public interests. The work highlights the importance of understanding politics as a tool for expressing and realizing public interests, and not as a means of fighting for power. The article emphasizes the role of state bodies, political parties and interest groups as mechanisms of expression and implementation of public interests. It is also emphasized the importance of expressing the interests of social and not only political subjects, including classes and social groups, in the political process. At the end of the article, the importance of understanding politics as a means of expressing the social interests of classes and social groups of society is emphasized.
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