Somatic Phraseology Involving the Eye/Eyes Component in Russian and Georgian Languages: A Comparative Study

Somatic Phraseology Involving the Eye/Eyes Component in Russian and Georgian Languages: A Comparative Study




somatic phraseology, seme , phraseological parallelism, linguistic culture


This study delves into the somatic phraseology featuring the component "eye/eyes" in the Russian and Georgian languages, exploring their symbolic connotations. In the realm of symbolism, the eye is consistently linked with light and "spiritual vision," functioning not merely as a receptive organ but also emitting "rays of energy." The linguistic examination aims to elucidate phraseological parallelism through an analysis of Russian and Georgian materials. It is noteworthy that complete parallelism within phraseological units is a rarity, necessitating a shared semantics, component identity, and structural uniformity. For instance, the study assesses instances where the meaning of Russian and Georgian phraseology aligns, presenting either exact congruence or the closest possible similarity.

Example: In the Russian language, " открыть глаза кому-либо" corresponds to the Georgian expression "open your eyes.

The concept of the "bad eye" (вера в худой глаз) is deeply ingrained in diverse cultures worldwide, manifesting in various linguistic expressions. This study explores its prevalence in Georgian phraseology, where it is encapsulated in phrases like "He

 / She took an eye" or "a bad eye." Similarly, traditional Russian culture harbors a belief in a bewitching eye that brings misfortune and harm, evident in phraseological units such as "худой глаз" (bad eye) and "недобрый (дурной, черный) глаз" (evil eye).

Simultaneously, eyes serve as conduits for expressing the spiritual and inner world of an individual. In analytical languages, strong expressions of love are conveyed through idioms like "light of the eye" («свет ойней моих»).

This study also delves into phraseology conveying negative qualities. In Georgian, the concept is encapsulated in the term "eyeball," while in Russian, a parallel expression is found in "пусти пыль в глаза," both communicating unfavorable traits of a person.

Through a comparative analysis of Georgian and Russian phraseology, this research aims to illuminate cultural nuances surrounding the perception of the "evil eye" and its impact on linguistic expressions related to spirituality, love, and negative attributes.

A single article is insufficient to comprehensively delve into the vast and intricate dimensions of this captivating topic. The present research will continue based on materials from two distinct linguculture presses and the works of contemporary authors.  This line of inquiry holds practical significance for the development of contemporary bilingual phraseological dictionaries.

In conclusion, it is noteworthy that, despite the national-cultural idiosyncrasies shaping the world image, there exists a substantial degree of commonality among different cultures. Specifically focusing on somatism, thematic groups of phraseologisms featuring the term "eye" in the two analyzed languages reveal semantic alignments, albeit with lesser structural concordance.


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How to Cite

Asaturova, S. (2024). Somatic Phraseology Involving the Eye/Eyes Component in Russian and Georgian Languages: A Comparative Study. Transactions of Telavi State University, (1(36), 88–92.


