ქართული Pet-Nat -ის დამზადება და მისი თვისებების შესწავლა
https://doi.org/10.52340/idw.2023.06საკვანძო სიტყვები:
sparkling wine, fermentation, remuage, degorgement, organoleptics, aromaticsანოტაცია
The article shows the opportunity of making the earliest ancestor of sparkling wine Pet –Nat - naturally sparkling wine petillant naturel – with the ancient French method from the Georgian grape variety Tsitska. This is the technology according to which the sparkling drink is obtained through single alcoholic fermentation.
The aim of the research was to study the technological, physical – chemical and organoleptic properties of two types of Pet Nat (degorged and non -degorged) made from Tsitska, to compare the properties of the produced Pet Nat, including the content of aromatic compounds to the technological, chemical and organoleptic properties of the sparkling wine made with the same raw materials by classic, bottling method.
It has been determined that the variety of technological operations caused the organoleptic difference between wines and played a great role in the development of their properties, especially the aromatic profile.
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