Etiological and Epizootic Peculiarities Gastrointestinal Infection Processes in Sheep

Etiological and Epizootic Peculiarities Gastrointestinal Infection Processes in Sheep


  • Magda Davitashvili
  • Lamara Zuroshvili
  • Darejan Margalitashvili
  • Gela Azikuri



etiological, epizootic, conditional-pathogenic, tinctorial, identification


For in-depth study of the peculiarities of the etiological and epizootic processes of gastro-intestinal infections in sheep, we conducted a study to determine the role of conditional-pathogenic microorganisms in this pathology. A study of the prevalence and frequency of intestinal infections in lambs on farms in the Kakheti region has shown that this pathology is very common and harms the region's livestock. During the study of pathological material of fallen lambs and aborted fetuses, 365 cultures were isolated, of which 182 cultures belonged to the genus Escherichia, 143 - Salmonella, 28 - Klebsiella, 4 - Streptococcus, 1 - Proteus and 7 cultures Diplococcus. Bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family has been found to play an important role in the development of gastro-intestinal diseases in lambs, accounting for approximately 97% of isolated cultures, of which Escherichia and Salmonella predominate, 51.0% and 39.1%.


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How to Cite

Davitashvili, M., Zuroshvili, L., Margalitashvili, D., & Azikuri, G. (2021). Etiological and Epizootic Peculiarities Gastrointestinal Infection Processes in Sheep. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 6.



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