Peculiarities of reflection of journalistic discourse in media texts, parallels with modernity

Peculiarities of reflection of journalistic discourse in media texts, parallels with modernity




Political discourse, publication, rhetoric, democratization


The existence of the first Republic of Georgia has a huge historical significance. Understanding the verbal speeches delivered by civic leaders from 1918 to 1921 is crucial due to the unique nature and content of the political discourse during that period. The importance, as Professor D. Shvelidze notes in his book, derives from the epochal change because the political elite of Georgia had to work in the space of the Russian Empire until 1917 and from 1918 in the independent Transcaucasia and Georgia.

The main topic of this research is to examine the distinctive features of political eloquence during the Democratic Republic of Georgia, utilizing relevant literature as well as publications from government and party press during the specified years.

The purpose of our research is to find out what constituted the political rhetoric of the mentioned period, to investigate the peculiarities of the implementation of the language functions of the media texts of those years, and to analyze the genre classification of the documentations.The research material selected for comparative and substantive study consists of the first government newspaper of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, "Republic of Georgia," and the party newspaper of the Social-Federalists, "People's Affairs," from 1918 to 1921.


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How to Cite

Bregadze, M. (2023). Peculiarities of reflection of journalistic discourse in media texts, parallels with modernity. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 7.



Social Sciences (miscellaneous)

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