Cultural-religious discourse of Otia Yoseliani's novels
cultural-religious, novels, research, presumptions, discourse, biblical parallels, identity, national cultureAbstract
Within the framework of one article, we discussed the Georgian spirit present in "Svan novellas", the Otian ways of spiritual perfection, the idea of national freedom and identity, and the path that can be followed only with dignity.
Our research is mainly an attempt to find what is being said between the paragraphs with biblical parallels.
Undoubtedly, it is necessary to continue the research of Otia's works, because there is an immeasurable research material in his novels, and the work of a few researchers is not enough to cover this material.
The struggle between the soul and the body, the eye gazing at the Lord and the fallen nature accustomed to worldly vanity - this is the main point of examination of Otia's works, which are versatile and almost inexhaustible. Eternity sacrificed to existence, these are the topics that we tried to research from a biblical point of view, and we think that we have answered the set task as appropriately as possible within the framework of one article
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