Different technologies of making Tenili Cheese and its safety

Different technologies of making Tenili Cheese and its safety





Geographical indication, Tenili cheese, Technology, Family production, pasteurization, safety


The pride of Samtskhe-Javakheti - Tenili Cheese is the only cheese in Georgia that has the status of a geographical indication and an intangible cultural heritage. As part of the research, the technology of its production was studied. Within research turned out that some important stages of traditionally kept Tenili Cheese technology (used milk, ripening material, etc.) have been changed to simplify the preparation process. Non-pasteurized milk is used to make Tenili Cheese, therefore it is subject to the Georgian Government's Resolution N581 "On Approving the Technical Regulations on Microbiological Indicators of Food"; Its implementation has an essential role in producing a safe product. During the study of Tenili Cheese production technologies (traditional, non-traditional), two important stages were identified which have a huge impact on the final product's safety. These stages are using brine (mostly the same brine is used multiple times to make different batches of Tenili Cheese) and the cream for mixing (cream obtained from raw milk without heat treatment, mixed with Tenili Cheese). The study also confirmed the necessity of research and popularisation of Tenili Cheese since it is mainly produced in only two villages of Samtskhe-Javakheti and it is in danger of disappearing. Providing the results to the general public after the relevant research will help to expand the production of Tenili Cheese and develop agrarian tourism. There is no analogue of Tenili Cheese-making technology in the world, which emphasizes its uniqueness and represents a significant potential for the development of the region, especially since the Resolution of the Government of Georgia dated January 9, 2020 N14 "On approval of the rule for unorganized production of food/animal feed" supports family production and frees them from certain obligations, which previously represented an obstacle of family production products realization.


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How to Cite

Nadirashvili, N., & Amiranashvili, L. (2023). Different technologies of making Tenili Cheese and its safety. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 7, 71–77. https://doi.org/10.52340/idw.2023.09



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