Organoleptic and Chemical Analysis Characteristics of Sulguni Stored in Beeswax

Organoleptic and Chemical Analysis Characteristics of Sulguni Stored in Beeswax


  • Elanidze Lali
  • Khositashvili Tea



Sulguni, Beeswax, Nutritional value, Shelf life, Taste properties


In the paper showed organoleptic and chemical analysis of sulguni that is made of traditional technology and sulguni in beeswax has been carried out to study the effects of bee wax layer on the organoleptic and chemical parameters of sulguni. Some main factors are obstacle those make influence on sulguni, such as: cheese weight loss, fat oxidation and enzymatic breakdown. On the base of analysis the use of beeswax layer improves the physical stability of sulguni, at the same time the visual and tactile characteristics of the surface are improved as well. Moreover, it prevents the existence of mucus and mold on the surface, as well as protects the cheese from moisture loss and sulguni also retains its taste properties. Vacuum packaging cheese production in beeswax layer can be considered as the new, ecologically clean and safe alternative.



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How to Cite

Elanidze Lali, & Khositashvili Tea. (2021). Organoleptic and Chemical Analysis Characteristics of Sulguni Stored in Beeswax. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 6.



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