For the dating of early medievel ceramic, founded in ujarma castle
This arthicl is about of early medievel ceramic, founded in ujarma castle. Ujarma castle is situated in eastern Georgia, on the right side of river Iori. Castle was excavated in 1950-52 by Giorgi lomtatidze. Founded material was publeshed in 1989, but unfortunatly, in publication materials was not divided by layers and peroids and not fotofixed properly. In this article from all ceramic fragments founded in this settlmant we choosed material dated early medievel period. We also find parallel materials for them and fotofixed. There are choosed totaly 36 ceramic fragments, among them we can marking out: 16 jag and 2 bowl, all another fragments are unfigured and were assign to early medeval period by color, consistuent and surface treatment. Signs for ceramic created for defferent purpose are defferent: for tableware ceramic was used better shaped and well burned, reddish, red or strow-colored ones. In the other hand for kitchen was used rud, dark colored ceramic with meny mixed minerals in clay. Somtimes surface of the ceramic is somoothened, somtimes pottery can be covered with red dye, but generaly ceramic is little bit downgraded, in decoradion, compear to previous, roman, period. Paralel materials for those ceramic we can finde in all territory of georgia and caucasian region. Outside of geogia paralels are finde in azerbaijan and in north shore of black sea, scattering ceramic in this way is common thing for medievel archaeology, kingdom of kartli was widly involved in international trade, so finding exported materials on the teritory of kartli kingdom as kartlian materials outside of kingdom is normal appearance.
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