Online Learning Tables Platform GTU TABLES
We have always been worried about the inconvenience of the current online table platform of the Technical University,, because it is quite heavy and it is difficult to find study tables and view them in time. In addition, it is still difficult to use. Its complexity depends on the device, mobile, computer, etc. on technical characteristics, RAM capacity and even internet speed. One of the main reasons for all this is that on the relevant pages of the current educational tables platform, the tables of all study groups, audiences and lecturers of the university are loaded together, which makes it very difficult to find the desired table. In order to clarify all this, I will tell you that when using the online tables of Georgia Technical University on a mobile platform with a smartphone that has 2GB of RAM and we use a 4G Internet connection, the average time required to find and open the study table of the desired group is from 1.7 to 2 minutes. From which the time required to load the page is about 1.6 seconds. Which is really not good. Moreover, if we look at the statistics provided by Google, the technology giant and the world's number one search engine today, we will read that by 2023, the average page load time for a computer will be 2.5 - 8.6 seconds, and the average mobile website load time on a 3G connection will be 19 seconds. We decided to create a new system of online study tables for the Technical University of Georgia, which will improve the university life of every teacher and student of the university, and at the same time, it will further raise the prestige of our respected university, which educates many professionals and has a very long history. Based on these and other motives, we have created and present to you the project called "GTU TABLES - educational tables platform".
ლაშა იაშვილი
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