Current Situation in the Field of Gender at the Local Level and the Institutional Mechanisms for Ensuring Gender Equality in Georgia


Local self-government
Gender equality
Citizen involvement
Local government official
Institutional mechanisms

How to Cite

Charkviani, T. . (2022). Current Situation in the Field of Gender at the Local Level and the Institutional Mechanisms for Ensuring Gender Equality in Georgia . Georgian Scientists, 4(4), 116–141.


The aim of the paper is to describe the current situation in Georgia in relevance to establishing the principles of gender equality in local self-government and identification of needs / requirements in order to improve the situation in the future in terms of budget, services, planning, legislation and promoting women's socio-economic and political life. The purpose of the research is to analyze the current situation in the field of gender at the local level and to study the institutional mechanisms for ensuring gender equality in Georgia.


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