Territorial organisation’s originalities of the population of Ajara

Territorial organisation’s originalities of the population of Ajara





population, location, density, economy, ecology


Rational territorial organisation of the population mostly determines the normal social-economic development of any country, but the originality of the population`s location in a separated region is related to some particular problems, which is clearly expressed in Ajara's example in Georgia. The topic is urgent from the point of view that the population in Ajara is located quite unevenly, which is related to economic and ecological problems. By applying traditional and modern methods of research in the work, the natural-geographical and social-economic factors of the territorial organisation of Ajara’s population are studied. The quantitative and qualitative properties of a population`s location are analysed according to administrative units, hypsometric steps, and agricultural lands. The influence of the original population location on the region’s socioeconomic and ecological conditions is determined. Geographical originalities of the problems related to population location are determined, future development tendencies are evaluated, and optimisation paths are set.


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Author Biography

Merab Putkaradze, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University



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How to Cite

Putkaradze, M. (2023). Territorial organisation’s originalities of the population of Ajara. Georgian Geographical Journal, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.52340/ggj.2023.03.02.09


