The goal of study is estimation of the degree of influence of various types of operations (with the subcutaneous transposition of spermatic cord, its contact with various types of meshes or their separation with the host tissues) on the spermatic chord and testicles in 12 male rabbits. Methods. The I series of experiments (4 rabbits): Reconstruction of the inguinal canal was performed according to Archvadze’s I method and the contralateral side was left intact. The II series of experiments (4 rabbits): The Prolene mesh was implanted on one side, and the Vypro mesh was implanted on the other side as it is done during Lichtenstein’s operation. The III series of experiments (4 rabbits): The spermatic cord and the polypropylene mesh were isolated by the help of the interposition of the aponeurosis of external oblique muscle between the mesh and the spermatic cord. On the other side of the inguinal region the operation was done according to Lichtenstein’s technique. Results and conclusions: Three series of experiments (models of pure tissue repair according to Archvadze’s I method, Lichtenstein’s method and Archvadze’s II method) showed significant differences between those groups and correlation of the type of operation with changes in the spermatic cord and testicles. 1. The subcutaneous transposition of the spermatic cord causes minimal changes in contrast to the contact between the spermatic cord and the mesh; 2. The changes are more pronounced after the implantation of non-resorbable prolene and less pronounced after the usage of composite Vipro-mesh; 3. Separation of the spermatic cord from the mesh by the interposition of aponeurosis of external oblique between the spermatic cord and mesh makes it possible to avoid crude fibroplastic changes in the spermatic cord and protect the testicles from the morphofunctional alterations.
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