The article refers to timely and effective treatment of one of the most important issues of facial bones fractures in the progress of craniofacial combined injuries. 67 patients with craniofacial trauma underwent reconstructive operations on facial bones under the supervision of the authors of the article, in close contact with resuscitation specialists and neurosurgeons from for a week a few hours after receiving a trauma (depending on the severity of the brain damage). The approach to the facial bone fractured fragments was done in an open manner (coronary section, eye socket edges, nose base, intraoral areas), which allowed for free manipulation in the damage zone and the visual control. All fractured fragments were maximally maintained and fixed by titanium micro plates and bolts. In case of lamellar bone defect (frontal sinus front wall, eye socket walls, maxillary cavity wall) they were recovered by net. Early reconstructive surgery on the face did not result in any worsening of progress of brain injury in any patient. No increase of general brain or focal symptoms has been observed. Usage of titanium plates and net for fixation of facial bones fractured fragments provides proper functional and cosmetic effects, minimizing the development of post-trauma deformation.
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