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თოდაძე ხ. T. K., ზაქარაია მ. Z. M., & ლეჟავა გ. L. G. (2019). ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF INFLUENCE OF TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION ON OPIOID DEPENDENCE TREATMENT. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 49, 62–64. https://doi.org/10.52340/csw.2015.49.0.62-64


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a relatively novel therapeutic and diagnostic tool. It was successfully used for the treatment of various pathologies. Data exists that TMS is sufficiently effective as mono therapy and along with treatment with different pharmaceuticals, also. Clinical research of the influence of low intensity, high frequency magnetic fields with the help of original magnetic stimulator was launched at the Georgian Research Institute on Addiction. Stimulation with low intensity magnetic fields is safe, and allows for the modification of the parameters of stimulation and therapeutic use in a relatively wide range.  420 patients suffering from opioid addiction take part in the research.  Results may be summarized as follows: The high frequency, low intensity magnetic therapy in combination with conventional pharmacotherapy causes reliable improvement in coparision with standard treatment and placebo. Changes are more obvious in the spectral component of the bioelectric activity; examination of the brain electrical activity with various methods (EEG, frequency spectra and evoked potentials) enables us to suppose that observed results are caused by positive changes in metabolic activity; TMS improved effectiveness of traditional treatment and permits to diminish or entirely stop use of psychotropic medications on the late stage of treatment.

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Библиографические ссылки

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