Up to now the exact mechanism of salt-sensitivity andsalt-sensitive hypertension remains unclear. In recent years,researchers have a special interest in the genetic basics ofthese processes. The overall goal of our study was to deter-mine in Svanetian ethnically homogenous families the salt-sensitivity and genetic factors predisposing to salt-sensitivehypertension. 40 ethnic Svans (essential hypertension stageI (JNC VII)) and their families, in total 120 subjects (53males and 67 females, aged form 15 to 75 years) were testedfor salt-sensitivity using a high salt/low salt protocol.Ourresults show that virtually all hypertensives and their familymembers consumed high amount of salt and these data areconsiderably higher than the international rates. Genetic testing revealed a high frequency of CYP3A5 polymorphismand its significant positive correlation to salt-sensitivity. Allof the above makes possible to identify high risk groups forhypertension through identification of relevant genes andmakes possible implementation of primary prevention andtreatment of hypertension.
Библиографические ссылки
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