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დევდარიანი თ. D. T., მანჯავიძე ნ. M. N., & ქევანიშვილი ზ. K. Z. (2019). COGNITIVE PROPERTIES OF CHILDREN WITH SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSSES WHITH HEARING AIDS. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 49, 43–46.


Applying Raven’s procedure of determination of colored progressive matrices, the intelligence level has been estimated and compared in sensorineural hearing-loss children and with hearing aids. The test Group 1 covered the children with the II and III level of sensorineural hearing loss who were bearing hearing aids on one or on the both ear for several years. The test group 2 included children with the I and the II level of hearing loss. This contingent did not bear hearing aids. The control Group involved 62 normally-hearing healthy children. The age of children in both test and control groups was in range of 5-16 years. The comparison of Raven’s indices in different species was performed by Mann-Whitney’s nonparametric test. The Raven’s values in sensorineural hearing-loss children of the Group 2 noticeably lagged behind that in Control group. The Raven’s values in sensorineural hearing loss children with hearing aids did not differ significantly(10%-21%) that in normal hearing group children. The conclusion has been reached consequently that the sensorineural hearing-loss causes cognitive problems of children and the early habilitation / rehabilitation methods with hearing aids is the optimal result of the normal hearing of the children.
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Библиографические ссылки

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