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Bakradze , A., Vadachkoria , Z., & Kvachadze , I. (2023). CLINICAL, CEPHALOMETRIC ANDELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC CORRELATESOF ORTHODONTIC ASSESSMENT INORAL BREATHING. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 55, 23–27. извлечено от


Aim of the present study was complex assessment ofcephalometric and electrophysiologic characteristics of mas-ticatory muscles (right and left temporalis and right and leftmasseter) in light of orthodontic status in oral breathers.The study selected 15 individuals in the age range of 18-35, with average being 25. All participants exhibited oralbreathing, had permanent dentition with all second molarsand a minimum of 28 natural teeth in total. None of them hadany systemic somatic, neurological or endocrine diseases orclinically manifested nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses or ton-sillar disorders. Informed consent was obtained from all par-ticipants. The study was conducted on masseter and tempo-ralis mascles bilaterally.Following procedures were applied to the participants toidentify breathing pattern: mirror test, Massler’s water reten-tion test, Massler and Zwemer cotton test.Clinically, the presence of malocclusion was diagnosedby Angle’s classification. As part of the study, teleroentgen-ograms were taken in lateral projection.Based on the findings of the study, significant correla-tion between breathing pattern and electromyographic indi-cators (whose degree of quantitative accuracy is far beyondthat of functional tests for identifying breathing type) al-lows the possibility of applying the latter separately for theassessment of a breathing pattern. Yet, using the two above-mentioned methods in combination is well grounded formaking individual recommendation on close monitoring of abreathing pattern or, if needed on appropriate treatment, start-ing from the very childhood. This per se can ward off disor-ders of masticatory muscles, occlusion and jaw develop-ment which is one of the essential preconditions for func-tional as well as aesthetic and psycho-emotional develop-ment


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