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Japharidze, F., Shonia, N., & Bakradze, M. (2019). POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE TRENDS OF DENTAL SERVICES ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ADJARA REGION. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 51, 139–142. https://doi.org/10.52340/csw.2017.51.139-142


Due to the purpose of the article a descriptive study was conducted, the information base of which are: Scientific publications; data of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, National Bureau of Statistics and Medical Insurance Companies. Normative acts of Georgia; Electronic resources. High competition in Batumi, caused the rapid development of the sector, which can not be said about mountainous Adjara.The hard social-economic background created in the country makes dental services unattainable for the socially vulnerable population, to which the territorial factor is added in the mountainous regions. Municipal financing programs have emerged for the dental services of the socially vulnerable population in the region, but the budget is small and includes a small part of this segment. After enacting the state universal health care program, insurance companies have expanded their consumer packages, the conditions offered by them (low prices) are largely lacking in stimulating the sector as well as creates excessive expectations in the population.

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Библиографические ссылки

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