Acute respiratory disease is one of the most common dis-eases during the autumn-winter season. There are many typesof remedies that can relieve the symptoms of this disease,including Taicold, which contains Paracetamol which is aninhibitor of COX-3, has analgesic and antipyretic action.4-Aminophenol is the residual product of paracetamol syn-thesis, a toxic impurity, which is the most widely identified inthe paracetamol-containing drug forms (impurity K).The authors of the article performed quantitative determi-nation of 4-Aminophenol in Taicold – Combined Packagesproduced by the Georgian pharmaceutical enterprise GMPusing an optimized High Pressure Liquid ChromatographyMethod (HPLC).According to the received results, the quantity of 4-Ami-nophenol in the is Taicold – Combined Packages is 0,000051%(norm - not more than 0,1% ).The use of this method is recommended for the purpose ofsupervision and control of various dose packets, which con-tain those substances, as well as scientific or practical re-search.The use of this method is recommended for quality assur-ance and control of Taicold – Combined Packages and othercombined packages containing Paracetamol.