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კუნჭულია ლ. K. L., მურთაზაშვილი თ. M. T., გაბუნია ქ. G. K., იმნაძე ნ. I. N., & ჯოხაძე მ. J. M. (2019). ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY STUDY OF SEVERAL SAMPLES OF GEORGIAN PROPOLIS. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 49, 75–77.


Propolis, bee glueit is the multicomponent heterogenic system of various compounds. In this system are identified more than 300 individual substances, by which it is caused the wide spectrum of its pharmacological activity. From polupharmacological abilities of propolis should be mentioned its antioxidant activity. Therefore, the aim of our research was to study the antioxidant activity of different samples provided by several regions of Georgia. The samples of research were the 2014-2015 year propolis samples gathered in the  following regions: 1. Martkofi; 2. Dusheti; 3. Kareli. Were prepared the water and ethanol extracts of those different propolis samples. The inhibition ability of DPPH caused by several region propolis samples were studied spectrophotometricaly on the 510 nm wavelength. Inhibitory ability compounds decrease the absorbance ability. The received data shows, that propolis water extracts have higher antioxidant activity than ethanol extracts. The propolis water extract of Martkofi region has got the highest antioxidant activity (95.7%) in comparison with other water extracts of this study.  On the basis of the received data could be concluded that water extract of the different propolis samples could be utilized as an antioxidant remedies for prevention and treatment of different diseases.


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