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Archvadze, B., Berishvili, K., Grigalashvili, Z., Lomsadze, G., & Zhizhin, I. (2018). TECHNICAL ISSUES OF ANASTOMOSIS FORMATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF OBTURATIONAL OBSTRUCTION. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 51, 15–17. Retrieved from


The authors have studied the history of 85 patients who have been operated due to obturation ileus. Among the patients women were 34, men 51. The age range was 32-82 years. On the background of the obstruction the following was implemented with urgent indications: in 25 cases the right-sided hemicolectomy, in 10 cases the resection of the transverse colon and spleen angle. 11 patients underwent subtotal colectomy with recto-ascending anastomosis after passing the intestine through the mesentery of ileum. Resection of the sigmoid was performed in 2 cases, while to the remaining 37 patients left-sided hemicolectomy was carried out, including 22 patients with transverso-rectal anastomosis, with the postponed opening of anastomosis. In the majority of cases, the intestinal decompression and continuous drainage was carried out in the subsequent period after the operation. In the postoperative period, 5 patients died of various complications. Only one of them died due to anastomosis suture insufficiency. As seen from the results, the decrease in the frequency of anastomosis suture insufficiency depends on the selection of adequate methods of anastomosis and intestinal drainage. Key words: obturation, colostoma, decompression. 



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