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Archvadze, B., Berishvili, K., Asanidze, S., Sabashvili, G., & Maisaia, I. (2018). TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL ISSUES OF SURGICAL TREATMENT OF ACUTE ADHESIVE BOWEL OBSTRUCTION. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 51, 13–15. Retrieved from


The study presents the history of disease of 60 patients who have been operated with acute adhesive bowel obstruction. Among the patients 35 were male, 25 females. Age range 17-80 years. As it was clear from the anamnesis, 29 cases of adhesive processes have developed after acute appendicitis and a severe injury of abdominal organs, in another 26 cases due to various types of operations, and in 5 cases due to the recurrence of adhesive disease. Our operating tactics included not only the resection of pathologically damaged bowel, but also maximum resection of serous and deformed bowel loops, preserving, of course, the small intestine in the volume (length), which would be sufficient for the normal functioning of the intestinal tract. Out of 60 surgeries, resection of various volume of intestine was carried out on 49 patients. Treatment of only 11 patients was limited to synechiolisis. After the operation, 9 complications were reported, out of which 4 cases had a lethal outcome. There was no case of anastomosis suture insufficiency. Key words: adhesive obstruction, bowel decompression, bowel stimulation.



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