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Apakidze Z., Mchedlidze K., Churadze M., & Alania M. (2021). STUDY OF MICROSTRUCTURAL PECULARITIES OF ASTRAGALUS BUNGEANUS BOISS. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 52, 12–13. Retrieved from


The microstructural features of the leaves and stems of Astragalus bungeanus Boiss. (Leguminosae L.) were studied. As a result, it was established that the plant has two types of hairs: spherical and low-cut, T-shaped and cone-shaped. The main cells of the epidermis of the stem are rectilinear; the leaves are bend-linear. Epidermal tissues of the leaflet and stem are reflected in the anomocytic and hemiparasite type of lips. Collenchymal and chlorenchymal cells, as well as pericyclic fibers are concentrated in the parenchyma of the shell of the stem. The texture of the transit system is monocyclic, and of the collateral type, conductive beams are involved in a sclerified tissue cylinder; in wood, it is reflected spiral-shaped shells and vessels. Leaflets of Astragalus bungeanus are characterized by an amphystomatic type of dorsoventral structure.


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