Characteristics of bacterial food poisonings’ distribution in Georgia have been studied and provide recommendations for their prevention. Data analysis revealed that the number of bacterial food poisonings and diarrheal diseases increased dramatically in Georgia during the last 5 years. Around 95-98 % of registered cases were food poisonings with possible bacterial etiology and the remaining cases were Botulism, Salmonellosis and Shigellosis. Annually more than 10 outbreaks of bacterial food poisonings and diarrheal diseases are registered in Georgia. To prevent bacterial food poisoning and diarrheal diseases, we recommend ensuring high quality epidemiological research and laboratory diagnosis of bacterial food poisonings in Georgia as well as establishing and increasing monitoring of quality of drinking water and food products.
2. ეპიდემიოლოგიური ბიულეტინი - ნაწლავთა ინფექციები საქართველოში 2010-2013 წ.წ.;
3. “ჯანმრთელობის დაცვა – სტატისტიკური ცნობარი, საქართველო” 2010-2013 წლის გამოცემები;
4. Estimates of Foodborne Illness in the United States. http://www.cdc.gov/foodborneburden/index.html;
5. Fact sheets: Food safety. http://www.who.int/topics/ food_safety/factsheets/en.