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Mamaladze, M., Vadachkoria, D., & Vadachkoria, O. (2019). CRITICAL ASPECTS OF DEEP CARIES MANAGEMENT IN PRIMARY TEETH. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 51, 81–84. Retrieved from


Management of deep caries in primary teeth is challenging. Keeping vital the primary tooth pulp, before final development of their roots is very decisive for normal function of above-mentioned teeth. This will lead to the physiological resorption of the primary teeth roots and will ensure timely eruption of permanent teeth. The study included 172 teeth of 83 children; they were divided into two groups: 1) 2-3 years old 28 children and 2) 3-5 years old 55 children. The deep caries has been diagnosed in 98 cases; among them were differentiated compensated and decompensated forms. According to the aim of our study, the treatment of 40 primary teeth has been conducted by direct coping with MTA (Mineral Trioxid Agregat). This material is nontoxic and is able to create hermetic barrier and can form dentinal bridge. Based on the findings of the study, the above-mentioned method must be recommended as an alternative method in management of deep caries in primary teeth.  



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