How to Cite

Kunchulia, L., Zazashvili, N., Goderidze, N., Chichakua, M., & Imnadze, N. (2019). “RUMIFOS” ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL STUDY. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 51, 79–81. https://doi.org/10.52340/csw.2017.51.79-81


In last period, in the world, the demand on netural antioxidants are increased. The main reason of such interest could be that natural antioxidant agents have the wide range of therapeutic effects than synthetized, and also are less toxic. Due to these circumstances, the aim of our work was the substance of product “Rumifos”, which contains the phenolic compounds. As an object for study was taken the three different lots of the research. To study “Rumifos”’ antioxidant activity, we selected the well-established and known combination of spectrophotometric determination of product Absorbance ability (optical density), after reaction of the substance with DPPH-reagent. Method is frequently used to determine the antioxidant potential of the phenolic sums of the plant products. On the basis of the mean optical densities of 10 samples of “Rumifos” substance’s three different batches was calculated the antioxidant activity. At the end of the conducted research work, we can conclude, that product “Rumifos” has quite high antioxidant activity which varies in 70.80-73.83%.  



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