Peculiarities of viewing the scene of the accident on murder cases
inspection, inspection of the scene of the accident, Viewing the scene of the murderAbstract
Proper planning and conducting of investigative actions is of great importance in the process of investigating all categories of criminal cases and establishing the factual circumstances of the case. Inspection of the accident site has a special place among investigative activities. It is the evidence obtained at the stage of inspection of the scene of the accident that is of decisive importance for the full conduct of the investigation, the planning of further measures, as well as for the criminal case as a whole and for the outcome of a specific case. The relevance of the mentioned issue is due to numerous problems in practice, since, despite the constant training and retraining of the employees of investigative bodies, familiarization with modern achievements and refinement of existing approaches, the quality of conducting investigative actions still does not correspond to the standards, the use of which will give the opportunity to investigative bodies, to obtain maximum results in all categories of criminal cases. The paper discusses the importance and role of crime scene inspection in crime investigation and solving. Also, the features, which are characteristic of a separate category of the accident site inspection, are given.
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