Sustainable development and tourism
sustainable development, sustainable tourism, ecotourism, sustainability, marginal loadAbstract
The paper discusses the importance of ecological tourism in the context of sustainable development. The development of ecological tourism in the protected natural areas is an important issue that affects both the country's economic situation and the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
The main principle of sustainable tourism is to limit the development of tourism or the volume of tourist flows in tourist destinations, for which it is necessary to determine the capacity and use limiting factors.
"Throughput" is the level of use of the territory by visitors, which ensures a high level of their satisfaction with a negligible impact on resources.
Bandwidth limits the limiting density, i.e. "limiting charge".
The "threshold load" is the level of density, exceeding which causes irreversible damage to the landscape components.
Therefore, tourism planning and development should not be done in isolation. Tourism, along with other activities, should be part of the sustainable development of the community and the tourist destination. Its impact on other sectors, in terms of competitive use of resources and mutual support, should be considered. A complex approach takes into account all forms of relations and activities in the field of tourism and considers the impact of public policy on tourism and on individuals.
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