Inguinal hernia and hernioplasty as a cause of male reproductive system dysfunction (review of literature)

Inguinal hernia and hernioplasty as a cause of male reproductive system dysfunction (review of literature)


  • Elguja Ardia
  • Tamaz Gvenetadze
  • Teimuraz Gorgodze



inguinal hernia, hernioplasty, males infertility


Inguinal hernias are highly prevalent in human population with 27-43% of males and 3-6% of females being affected. It accounts for 80% of all abdominal hernias. Hernioplasty is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures. Nowadays, tension-free hernioplasty is actively being used. Lichtenstein method of inguinal hernia treatment is the most commonly addressed technique worldwide. Prosthetic mesh hernioplasty has brought on adverse events like obstruction of vas deferens, obstructive azoospermia, oligospermia and development of infertility in male population. Lately, because of this reason, isolation methods of inguinal hernia treatment are becoming the preferred approach. It considers the total isolation of spermatic cord from the prosthetic mesh. The result is a decreased risk of male reproductive system complications as well as prevention of the relapse of the hernia itself, as the abovementioned technique provides the formation of three-layered posterior wall of the inguinal canal.


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Author Biographies

Elguja Ardia

PhD student

Tamaz Gvenetadze


Teimuraz Gorgodze

Associate professor


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How to Cite

Elguja Ardia, Tamaz Gvenetadze, & Teimuraz Gorgodze. (2022). Inguinal hernia and hernioplasty as a cause of male reproductive system dysfunction (review of literature). Scientific Journal „Spectri“, 1.


