Poland and Ukraine's geostrategic choices

Poland and Ukraine's geostrategic choices


  • Guram Markhulia Sukhumi State University




უკრაინა, პოლონეთი, დამოუკიდებლობისათვის ბრძოლა, ევროკავშირი, საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობები, გეოპოლიტიკა


Poland-Ukraine relations, which have a long tradition, are characterized by the existence of complex and multifaceted processes and events. Both peoples, Polish and Ukrainian, have a long experience of interacting and functioning in common state structures, a common enemy in the struggle for independence, loss of statehood and its restoration. The history of bilateral relations is rich in dramatic and even tragic events that left a traumatic mark in the collective memory of the two nations. Due to the situation created in Ukraine today, the attention of the world community is not only focused on this country, but also on all participants in the resolution of the crisis. Among the latter, Poland is especially noteworthy, which has always actively participated in the fate of Ukraine. Therefore, when analyzing Polish-Ukrainian relations, it is worth paying equal attention to both the historical experience of relations between these countries and their current situation.

               On the one hand, Poland was the first to recognize Ukraine's independence, on the other hand, it did not support the creation of a military-political union. When L. Kuchma came to power in Ukraine, the Poland-Ukraine declaration on strategic cooperation was signed. Warsaw set a course to bring Kyiv closer to Europe. With all the possible support of the EU's enlargement policy, Poland already in 2001 proposed to the EU its vision of the concept of relations with Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, which was based on the idea of ​​creating a "ring of friendly countries". Through close cooperation on the borders of the European Union, in the field of politics, security, economy and culture. Today we can declare a high level of cooperation between Poland and Ukraine. Traditionally, relations in the political and economic spheres come to the fore. The priorities of Polish foreign policy for 2012-2016 state that Ukraine is an important strategic partner of Poland, which, in turn, supports the aspirations of Ukrainian society in the European Union and the deepening of relations between NATO and Ukraine. There was the 2004 "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine. Pro-Western candidate V. According to Yushchenko, Poland acted as Ukraine's "advocate" in the European Union. First, "on November 17, 2004, at the initiative of the Polish side, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for a fair and transparent second round of elections." In addition, Poland supported the invitation of Ukraine to the EU as soon as possible. When Yushchenko came to power, one of the main topics of bilateral cooperation was the issue of dependence on Russian gas supplies. However, the gas crisis of 2009 showed that dialogue with Russia is necessary. Polish political scientists positively evaluated the role of Warsaw in the Orange Revolution. Poland was given credit not only for normalizing the political situation in Ukraine, but also for demonstrating its role in the European Union. As Warsaw pointed out, democracy in Ukraine was recognized "not so much as a European, but as a Polish success". The next step in the activation of relations between Poland and Ukraine was the initiation of the Eastern Partnership project (2009), which was connected with the idea of ​​increasing the effectiveness of the "European Neighborhood Policy". Poland attached special importance to holding the Eastern Partnership Summit on November 28, 2013 in Vilnius. It was expected to become a landmark moment in the life of the Eastern Partnership, after the initialing of the Association Agreements with the European Union and 6 countries. The "Eastern Partnership" (Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus) was supposed to take place.

               However, at the Vilnius Summit, the Association Agreement and the EU Free Trade Area were initialed only with Georgia and Moldova, and an agreement on visa facilitation between the EU and Azerbaijan was signed. No documents were signed regarding Ukraine, Armenia and Belarus.

           Today, the Polish minority in Ukraine occupies an important place in the structure of Polish-Ukrainian cooperation. The ability to fulfill the needs of the Polish minority depends on the quality of interstate relations. Also, interstate cooperation helps to establish contacts between Polish and Ukrainian societies as a whole. Over the past two decades, Poland and Ukraine have taken a number of measures to bring each other closer together, the results of which were: visa-free border crossing for Polish and Ukrainian citizens, a network of Polish consular offices in Ukraine, developed international rail and bus services, legal seasonal employment opportunities for Ukrainian citizens in Poland. According to the data of the Polish Institute of Public Affairs, every tenth citizen of Ukraine visited Poland after 1991.

            Another important aspect of political relations between Poland and Ukraine is security policy. As the Polish researcher A. Yevski notes, "the development of Polish-Ukrainian military cooperation was a natural continuation of good neighborly relations between the countries." Security cooperation between Poland and Ukraine was aimed at NATO's eastern expansion and further integration.





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Author Biography

Guram Markhulia, Sukhumi State University

Doctor of historical science, associate professor of Sukhumi State University


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How to Cite

Markhulia, G. (2024). Poland and Ukraine’s geostrategic choices. Georgian Academy of Business Sciences "Moambe", (53), 29–37. https://doi.org/10.52340/gbsab.2024.53.05


