Theoretical-methodological Aspects of Entropy

Theoretical-methodological Aspects of Entropy




Entropy, Thermodynamics, System, Structure, Theory


            Science studies human nature, society's attitude to varioms issues. That is why different systems are created, which contain order and disorder, determination and indeterminacy, organization and disorganization, and the entropy value of probabilistic systems. The theoretical-methodological aspect of entropy can be represented by the fact that it cannot be measured by any device, but there is evidence that uses the second law of thermodynamics. In thermodynamics, as a result of many years of experience, it represents the correctness of a physical quantity that is unambiguously related to energy. At the same time, the total value of entropy at different temperatures is established on the basis of the third law of thermodynamics. Here, according to the law, we see the beginning of the entropy cutoff, with which the absolute value of entropy is calculated. Society produces both positive and negative entropy, and without this phenomenon it is impossible to think. This creates a whole system that uses science, technology, music and all the information that humanity needs on the way to development.


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Author Biography

Ana Gegeshidze, Georgian Technical University

The Doctoral Student


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How to Cite

Gegeshidze, A. (2024). Theoretical-methodological Aspects of Entropy. Georgian Academy of Business Sciences "Moambe", (52), 1–7.


