რელიგიური კონგლიქტების გაშუქების პრობლემა ქართულ მედიაში
რელიგია, მედია, კონფლიქტები, კომისია, მანდატი, შენობა, რეგიონი, მოხიAbstract
Resume The coverage of religious conflicts is the most difficult challenge for modern media. Georgian media are more or less neutral when covering religious topics. However, there are cases when journalists cover situations in a distorted way. That causes increasing problems and opposite sides become aggressive. However, the media plays a crucial role in covering religious conflicts.It contributes to the formation of religious perception in the society, That’s why ,Media must be fair and impartial. Conflicts developed in Mokh village of Adigeni region and media coverage of this problem are studied in the work The research showed that Georgian journalists try to observe the norms of justice and ethics, but there are also frequent violations.
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