Dynamic study of crane vehicles
The article discusses ways to reduce the dynamic forces that arise during the interaction of the crane carriage with the rail, in order to increase the reliability of the crane. Conditions and technological methods for maintaining the stability of cranes in conditions of climatic disasters. The study is devoted to improving the reliability of an overhead crane by reducing the dynamic forces acting on the crane. Based on dynamic studies carried out by mathematical modeling, determine process modes in order to avoid variable dynamic loads and resonance mode; By changing the structural shape of the crane wheel tread and allowing axial movement of the wheel hub, the resulting forces are minimized, thereby increasing the wear resistance of the wheel. Analysis of the crane load pattern using a mathematical model of the crane-rail system, composed of generalized coordinates, and development of a general methodology for predicting reactions. Computer calculations of the dynamic model of the crane, algorithm and programs MATLAB 9.7 and LIRA SAPR 22.
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