Calculation of stability of constructions with intermittent parameters during seismic impact
მშენებლობა, რეკონსტრუქცია, რკინა-ბეტონი, სეისმომედეგობა, მდგრადობაAbstract
The concept of restoration-reconstruction and strengthening-reconstruction for large-block multi-storey buildings will be developed for the group to be strengthened relatively among the mass-series groups (types) of capital buildings. Three methods of restoration-reconstruction of damaged large-block multi-story buildings are proposed: in the inner space of the building, metal indirect and system-variable rigid, in today's terminology - seismic isolators, with the arrangement of additional frames; with iron-concrete pylons built on the entire height and perimeter of the building and arranging loggias in their space; By building pylons along the longitudinal facades of the building and building a floor/floors on top of the building, along with arranging additional frames with seismic insulators if necessary.
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