Global chemical pollution


Bisphenol A
Crganic pesticides
Agricultural companies
Safe concept

How to Cite

Jikurashvili, M., & Kopadze, T. (2023). Global chemical pollution. Junior Researchers, 1(1), 71–77.


 Chemical pollution refers to the contamination of our environment with chemicals that do not occur naturally there. The world's attention is focused on pesticides and heavy metals.Although heavy metals are natural elements, environmental pollution and human impact are caused by anthropogenic activities.Lack of public awareness and limited opportunities for industrial waste management lead to improper disposal of products and waste containing heavy metals in many countries.There is a convention on long-term transboundary air pollutants, the aim of which is to reduce air pollution with the following heavy metals: Hg, Pb, Cd. Another chemical "load" for the natural ecosystem is pesticides.They are metabolized with the release of toxic compounds or bioaccumulate in body fat.They enter the body through inhalation, orally or through the skin.Some of these have been phased out almost worldwide, such as DDT.Adverse effects associated with pesticides include: reproductive damage, immunotoxicity, neurological and developmental toxicity and endocrine disruption, sensitivity disorders (eg, Saku's disease).Most Malsi inhabitants gave up pesticides in 2014.Also, the Nielsen Declaration was developed, according to which all nations and states can determine the quality of their own food while avoiding environmental pollution.The goal of the modern world is to develop an ecological alternative to pesticides.


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