On the History of the Emergence of the Theory of Information Society


  • Amiran Berdzenishvili Tbilisi State University




Information, theories of information society, informatization, classification of information theories, postmodernism, industrial civilization


Information is the only resource that does not decrease in the course of the evolution of human society, but constantly increases. Information has always existed. However, since the second half of the twentieth century, with the development of computing technology, communications and telecommunications, its role has increased significantly. The formation of an information society is taking place. All this contributes to the active study of information processes. The category of "information" began to be used in many sciences, both natural and humanitarian, allowed us to take a new look at the provisions of a particular theory. Currently, there are many theories formulated by sociologists, philosophers, economists and cultural scientists in an attempt to explain the state of modern society. Some believe that humanity has entered a new era, where the leading role belongs to knowledge, information and scientific progress. Others prefer to associate the current stage of social development with the previous ones, calling modern society post-industrial, post-capitalist, postmodern or post-modern, depending on the field of activity of the scientist and his affiliation with a particular philosophical movement. Despite the fact that all thinkers agree that the second half of the twentieth century is characterized by an unprecedented growth in information volumes and the intensification of information exchange, few substantiate the characteristic properties of the new era, limiting themselves to a superficial description of the causes and possible consequences. There are a number of classifications formed by different researchers at different times in an attempt to organize information theories that have the greatest sociological significance. At the same time, it is through their comprehension that knowledge of modern reality occurs and the opportunity opens up to predict the development of mass society in the coming years. This determines the relevance of the analysis of both the theories themselves with the identification of their common basis, and the most common types of classifications.


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Author Biography

Amiran Berdzenishvili, Tbilisi State University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)


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How to Cite

Berdzenishvili, A. (2024). On the History of the Emergence of the Theory of Information Society. International Scientific Journal "The Caucasus and the World", (29), 177–184. https://doi.org/10.52340/isj.2024.29.18

