The concept of happiness in ancient philosophy


  • Manana Gagoshidze Sokhumi State University



human relationships, ethics, spirituality, feelings, happiness, loneliness


Happiness is a rather broad and complex concept in philosophy. The problem of the phenomenon of happiness attracted thinkers even in ancient times. Nowadays, the problem of happiness is very relevant. Modern people tend to delve deeper and deeper into their own "I" and look for answers to eternal questions, one of which is the problem of finding happiness. This article attempts to answer the question of what a good life is and what a person should strive for first and foremost. The possible reasons for a person's conscious or unconscious reproduction of the trajectory of his life path are analyzed, the movement along which can lead him to a happy life. Each of us at least once in our lives thought about happiness. The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit and the ways to achieve it are different for everyone. For one, happiness is the achievement of the desired well-being, for another, it is the closeness and joy of meetings, the awareness of being needed and in demand, for a third, it is the fullness and meaningfulness of one's own life. Happiness is a certain ideal, realized in something specific. It is a good, the necessity of which is recognized by everyone. That is why a person consciously or unconsciously reproduces a peculiar trajectory of the path of life, the movement along which can lead him to his happy life. Depending on how he understands the purpose and meaning of his own life, his understanding of happiness occurs. The question of happiness is, first of all, a question about what a good life consists of and what a person should strive for first of all. As a philosophical category, happiness is presented in the works of philosophers of different periods of history. We are interested only in the ancient period.


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Author Biography

Manana Gagoshidze, Sokhumi State University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Sukhumi State University (Georgia)


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How to Cite

Gagoshidze, M. (2024). The concept of happiness in ancient philosophy. International Scientific Journal "The Caucasus and the World", (29), 23–30.

