Philosophical Thinking and Gender Issues
Gender, philosophy of gender, genderology, feminism, philosophical thinkingAbstract
The task of philosophy in the 21st century is to overcome antitheticality both in the answers to the "eternal" philosophical questions and in their formulation. The traditional relationship between the general and the individual, the individual and society, the possibility and reality, the project and its implementation, the new and the old, intuition and rationality, expression and aggressive means, male and female becomes in the newest philosophy, first of all, a gender theme, in relation to which a new style of philosophical thinking is formed. Gender studies influenced such philosophical schools as phenomenology, the logic of the development of its main ideas. Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, St. George, Heidegger focused the idea of phenomenological research on bodily experience, meaning, significance, the language of expression or expressiveness itself. Various concepts of gender studies try to give an analytical study of subjectivity. Some of them are close to feminist issues, others are guided by the trends of the latest philosophy.
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