Stoicism - History of the philosophical concept
. Stoicorum veterum fragmenta, coll. G. ab Arnim, vol. I–IV. Lipsiae, 1921–24. (Stuttg., 1968)
. Fragments of the Early Stoics, trans. and comm. A.A. Stolyarova, vol. 1. M., 1998, vol. 2 (part 1). M., 1999
. I frammenti degli Stoici antichi, trad. e ann. da N. Festa, vol. I–II. Bari, 1932–35 (2-d., Hildesheim – Ν. Υ., 1971)
. vol. III, I framementi morali di Crisippo, trad. da R. Anaslasi. Padova, 1962
. Hutser K.-H. Die Fragmente zur Dialektik der Stoiker, Bd. I–IV. Stuttg., 1987–88
. Bevan E. Stoics and Skeptics. Oxf., 1913
. Barth P. Die Stoa, 6 Aufl., völlig neu bearb. von A.Goedeckemeyer. Stuttg., 1946
. Arnold V.E. Roman Stoicism. L., 1958
. Pohlenz M. Die Stoa, Bd. 1–2. Gott., 1964–1965
. Christensen J. An Essay on the Unity of Stoic Philosophy. Cph., 1962
. Edelstein L. The Meaning of Stoicism. Cambr., 1966
. Rist J.M. Stoic Philosophy. Cambr., 1969