


Armenian acts of vandalism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, Turkic-Azerbaijani people


The article "Armenia's ethnic cleansing policy against Turkic-Azerbaijani people" outlines Armenians' ethnic cleansing against the Turkic-Azerbaijani people in order to realize the dream of "Greater Armenia - from sea to sea". So, Armenians killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims in 1890-1892 in the Ottoman provinces of Zeytun and Sasun, in November 1894 in the cities of Adana, Marash, and Kayseri and surrounding villages, in 1904-1906 in Azerbaijan, and 1 million 600 thousand people in 1915 in Northern Anatolia, a total of 2.5 million Muslims were killed during the violent events of the early 20th century in the Ottoman Empire. If we include the 400,000 Muslims killed by Armenians in Azerbaijan and 10,000 in Georgia, the total number of Muslims killed by Armenians exceeds 3 million. Only 600,000 of the 3 million Turks that lived in the five Ottoman provinces of Trabzon, Erzurum, Erzincan, Van, and Bitlis survived after World War I. Armenian acts of vandalism were full of savage animal instincts. In January 1918, gangs of the Dashnaktsutyun Party gathered 1,400 children in the Katranli village of Kars and burned them alive. In March 1918, 200,000 people were murdered in Urmia and nearby areas, and more than 400,000 Azerbaijanis were killed by Armenians in Azerbaijan between 1917 and 1920. Armenians pushed people alive into water wells, burning tandoors, and oil wells, cut the bellies of pregnant women with bayonets, killed children with bayonets, nailed babies to the walls, tied women to their hair, and forced them to walk naked in the streets, raped women, young girls and older women, then gathered them all together in one house and burned them. Armenians hung men upside down, cut them in half with swords like in animal fights, crucified some on wooden beds, then covered them in carpets and rugs, and burned them alive. They hurled Muslim religious figures into the fires of the Koran, Islam's holy book, and burned them. The Armenian acts of vandalism knew no bounds. They severed people's hands and feet and forced them to eat their own flesh under a bayonet.


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Doctor of Political Sciences, professor at the Department of Human Sciences of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. (Republic of Azerbaijan)


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How to Cite

NURIYEVA, I. (2023). ARMENIA’S ETHNIC CLEANSING POLICY AGAINST TURKIC-AZERBAIJANI PEOPLE. International Scientific Journal "The Caucasus and the World", (26).


