
  • Khalilov Elmar




Palace historian, Turkologist, Persian-language historiography, popular uprisings, Ottoman rule, political history


This article is devoted to the historiography of the history of Azerbaijan in the period of the first half of the 18th century on the basis of Persian-language historiography. Persian-language historiography contains quite a lot of interesting facts about the history of Azerbaijan above the specified period. It should be noted that these works are in the nature of primary sources, which gives us the opportunity to study this period in the history of Azerbaijan in depth. In these sources there are some historical facts of great historical value. Thanks to these works, we have a complete picture of all the ongoing events in the history of Azerbaijan during the first half of the 18th century. It should be noted that many works of Iranian historians give a sharply negative assessment of the popular uprisings in Azerbaijan in the first half of the 18th century. These works say nothing about the economic decline of the Safavid state. Many of Iran's modern historians idealize Nadir Shah. But even despite the subjective assessment of events in their works, one can find a lot of interesting information about the history of Azerbaijan in the first half of the 18th century. In the first half of the 18th century, Nadir Shah Afshar played a big role in the life of Azerbaijan and the entire Middle Eastern region in general. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the works dedicated to Nadir one can find many facts and assumptions regarding the history of Azerbaijan of this period. The conducted studies show that in the historiography of Iran there is no separate work dedicated directly to the history of Azerbaijan in the first half of the 18th century. Only in the works, in general, devoted to the region of the Near and Middle East, there are separate facts and messages concerning the studied period of the history of Azerbaijan. A close acquaintance with various works of Iranian historiography convincingly shows that the history of Azerbaijan in the first half of the 18th century occupies a significant place in the historical works of Persian-speaking authors. It also describes the relationship between the Safavids, Afsharids and Russia, as well as the internal political situation of the country. Only in the works, in general, devoted to the region of the Near and Middle East, there are separate facts and messages concerning the studied period of the history of Azerbaijan. A close acquaintance with various works of Iranian historiography convincingly shows that the history of Azerbaijan in the first half of the 18th century occupies a significant place in the historical works of Persian-speaking authors. It also describes the relationship between the Safavids, Afsharids and Russia, as well as the internal political situation of the country.


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Author Biography

Khalilov Elmar

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of the Peoples of Azerbaijan and Eastern Europe, Sumgait State University


(если на фарси или другом восточном языке – дается оригинал, а затем перевод на русский язык + желательно везде указать издательство) Аббас Парвиз. Тарих-е до гезар-от пансад сале-е Иран. Джелд-е соввом. (Ез тешкил-е селселе-е Сефевийе та эср-е хазер). Тегеран: Чап-е Али Акбер-е Елми, 1343.

Абдулла Рази. Тарихе-е камал-е Иран. Тегеран: Эгбал, 1341, 720 с.

Абдурраззаг Думбули. Негарестан-е Дара. Джелд-е еввел. Тебриз, 1342. Нашир Абдуррасул Хаямпура.

Абдурраззаг Думбули. Меасер-э султани. Тебриз, 1241, 395 с. Научный Архив Института рукописей АНАН, инв. XVI-1070/5208.

Абдурраззаг Думбули. Теджрубет аль-ахрар ве теслиет аль-абрар. Бехш-е доввом. Тебриз, шефег, 1350, 279 с.

Абу Тураб Сардавар. Тарих-е низами-ё сияси доуран-е Надир шах Афшар. Тегеран, Артеш-е Шахиншахи, 1345, 951 с.

Гасан Пирния и Аббас Игбал Аштияни. Тарих-е Иран ез агаз та енгераз-е Каджарийе. Бекушеш: Мухаммед Дабир Сияги, 864 с.

Ирадж Афшар Систани. Негахи бе Азербайджан-е Шарги. Джелд-е эввел. Тегеран, 1369.

Куддуси Мухаммед Хусейн. Надир шах (Жизнь Надир шаха Афшара). Перевёл с персидского и предисловие Мухаммед Али Муседдиг. Баку -1999, 4 с.

Машкур М.С. Назари бе тарих-е Азербайджан. Тегеран, чапхане-е Бахман, 1349, 998 с.

Минорски В. Тарихче-е Надир шах. Терджуме Рашид Ясеми. Тегеран 1313

Мирза Аббас хан Игбал Аштияни. Доур-е тарих-е омуми. Четвёртый том. Тегеран, 1305, 248 с.

Мирза Мехти хан Астрабади. Джахангоша-е Надири. Бе эхтемам Сейид Абдуллах Анвар. Тегеран, анджомам-е асар-е Милли, 1341

Мухаммед Казым Марви. Алеем ара-е Надири. В 3-хтомах. Тегеран, Негше джахан, 1364, 1296 с.

Мухаммед Хусейн Миманди Нежат. Зендеги-е пор маджара-е Надир шах. Тегеран, дер чапхане-е Елми, 1345, 1024 с.

Мухаммед Шафи Тегерани. Тарих-е Надир шахи – Надирнаме. Бе эхтемам Рза Шебани. Тегеран, дер чапхане-э Зае-о Хане-е чап, 1349, 377.

Панахи Самнани М.А. Надир шах. Тегеран, чапхане-е Салман Фарси, 1371, 319 с.

Рзагулу Хидайет. Роузет-ус-сефа. IX т., Тегеран, 1271.

Серван Кавиянпур. Тарих-е омуми-е Азербайджан. Тегеран: дер чапхане-е зохре,1346. 408 с.

Шефег Рзазаде. Надир шах эз назар-з хавершенасан. Тегеран: 1339, 279 с.


Abbas Parviz. Tarikh-e to gesar-from pansad sale-e Iran. Jeld's owl. (Ez teshkil-e selsele-e Safaviye ta esr-e hazer). Tehran, Chap-e Ali Akber-e Elmi, 1343. (in Persian)

Abdullah Razi. Tarihe-e kamal-e Iran. Tehran, Egbal, 1341, 720 p. (in Persian)

Abdurrazzag Dumbuli Negarestan-e Dara. Jeld-e evvel. Tabriz, 1342. Nashir Abdurrasul Hayampura. (in Persian)

Abdurrazzag Dumbuli. Measer-e Sultani. Tabriz, 1241, 395 p. Scientific Archive of the Institute of Manuscripts of the ANAS, inv. XVI-1070/5208. (in Persian)

Abdurrazzag Dumbuli. Tejrubet al-ahrar ve tesliet al-abrar. Behsh-e dovv. Tabriz, chief, 1350, 279 p. (in Persian)

Abu Turab Sardavar. Tarikh-e nizami-yo siasi douran-e Nadir shah Afshar. Tehran, Artesh-e Shahinshahi, 1345, 951 p. (in Persian)

Hasan Pirnia and Abbas Igbal Ashtiyani. Tarikh-e Iran ez agaz ta engeraz-e Qajariy. Bekushesh: Mohammed Dabir Siyagi, 864 p. (in Persian)

Iraj Afshar Sistani. Negakhi be Azerbaijan-e Shargi. Jeld-e evvel. Tehran, 1369. (in Persian)

Quddusi Mohammed Hussein. Nadir Shah (Life of Nadir Shah Afshar). Translated from Persian and the foreword by Muhammad Ali Musaddig. Baku –1999, 4 p. (in Persian)

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Mirza Mehdi khan Astrabadi. Jahangosha-e Nadiri. Be ehtemam Sayyid Abdullah Anwar. Tehran, anjomam-e asar-e Milli, 1341 (in Persian)

Muhammad Kazym Marvi. Aleem ara-e Nadiri. In 3 volumes. Tehran, Negshe Jahan, 1364, 1296 p. (in Persian)

Mohammed Hussein Mimandi Nejat. Zendegi-e por madjara-e Nadir Shah. Tehran, der chaphane-e Elmi, 1345, 1024 p. (in Persian)

Mohammed Shafi Tehrani. Tarikh-e Nadir Shahi – Nadirnam. Be ehtemam Rza Shebani. Tehran, der chaphane-e Zae-o Khane-e chap, 1349, 377. (in Persian)

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Rzagulu Hidayet. Roseet-us-sefa. IX t., Tehran, 1271. (in Persian)

Servan Kaviyanpur. Tarikh-e omumi-e Azerbaijan. Tehran, der chaphane-e zohra, 1346. 408 s. (in Persian)

Shefeg Rzazadeh. Nadir shah ez nazar-z havershenasan. Tehran, 1339, 279 p. (in Persian)




How to Cite

Elmar, K. (2023). HISTORIOGRAPHY OF AZERBAIJAN FIRST HALF XVIII CENTURY IN THE WORKS OF IRANIAN AUTHORS. International Scientific Journal "The Caucasus and the World", (25). https://doi.org/10.52340/isj.2022.25.12


