Manganese, pathology, risk managementAbstract
Among environmental pollutants, heavy metals play a special role, the content of which in the environment (in soil, water and air) on the one hand, is due to natural (climatic-geographical) features and on the other hand by improper exploitation of enterprises. The spectrum of harmful chemical factors affecting the population is diverse and accordingly, the pathology developed due to their influence belongs to the group of both diseases and intoxications. Some of them are regional pathologies for Georgia. Among them is the pathology caused by manganese compounds. The use of early diagnostic methods of manganese pathology, including immunogenetic methods, is the basis for effective management of such severe pathologies as manganese bronchial asthma, bronchitis, dermatitis, intoxication caused by manganese (manganism), and their clinical equivalents, along with the implementation of primary prevention measures is the foundation for effective management.
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