Ecotoxicological indicators of pesticides used against halyomorpha halys in the Samegrelo region and results of an epidemiological study of the health status of the population living in the area of the poisoning works

Ecotoxicological indicators of pesticides used against halyomorpha halys in the Samegrelo region and results of an epidemiological study of the health status of the population living in the area of the poisoning works


  • Marina Giorgobiani Tbilisi State Medical University image/svg+xml
  • Nana Chkhaidze Tbilisi State Medical University image/svg+xml
  • Zurab Chekurashvili
  • Giorgi Iakobashvili
  • Nikoloz Meskhi



Halyomorpha Halys, Pesticides, Health Status


The ecotoxicological indicators of pesticides used against Halyomorpha Halys in the Samegrelo region of Georgia and the health status of the population living in the area of the poisoning works were studied in a descriptive epidemiological study by "interviewing-face-to-face" method of random selection. The conducted research showed that when using chemical means against Halyomorpha Halys in case of contact with these substances, all existing sanitary-hygienic requirements are generally observed. Before the start of each season, local self-government representatives strictly control the population advance warning schedule, all mass media (radio, television, newspapers, etc.) and internet space are intensively used. Against the background of the implemented measures, there were no cases of acute and chronic poisoning caused by pesticides in the population of the mentioned region.


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მ.გიორგობიანი, ნ.ჩხაიძე, ზ.ჩეკურაშვილი, გ.იაკობაშვილი, ნ.მესხი, ბ.ზურაშვილი. აზიური ფაროსანას -Halyomorpha Halys წინააღმდეგ გამოყენებული პესტიციდების ეკოტოქსიკოლოგია და მათი ორგანიზმზე შესაძლო მავნე მოქმედების შესწავლა გურიის რეგიონის მოსახლეობის მაგალითზე. ექსპერიმენტული და კლინიკური მედიცინა, 2021 (5-6):11-15.




How to Cite

Giorgobiani, M., Chkhaidze, N., Chekurashvili, Z., Iakobashvili, G., & Meskhi, N. (2022). Ecotoxicological indicators of pesticides used against halyomorpha halys in the Samegrelo region and results of an epidemiological study of the health status of the population living in the area of the poisoning works. Experimental and Clinical Medicine Georgia, (7), 11–15.




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