The Role of Teaching with Dilemmas in the Process of Teaching and Learning


  • Manana Botchorishvili Village Busheti Public School, Telavi Municipality



Dilemma, Value Education, Free Choice, Emotions


           Teaching with dilemmas is such teaching activity which will greatly support to implement the goals and objectives defend by the new document of National Goal of General Education. Figuratively, dilemma is called a condition when a person has to choose only one from his unfavorable situations. Teaching with dilemmas belongs to the problem based teaching method. Problem-based learning aims to equip students not only with knowledge, but also with the ability to use that knowledge to solve life's challenges.  According to this, the goal of teaching with dilemmas is to develop the student's critical, analytical and creative thinking and the ability to make decisions independently. When teaching with dilemmas, so called VaKE method can be applied, which means “value education”, the same as confrontation of knowledge and values. In both cases, in case of teaching with dilemmas and in case of teaching with VaKE have the same theoretical bases, both of them are based on constructivism, but the novelty is that students see the problems which are connected to their everyday life. In our opinion, the role of teaching with dilemmas is to give the student the opportunity to choose, which is a necessary condition for the education of a free personality, and to intensify emotions, which has a great role in teaching and learning. The situational tasks that we offer the student when teaching with dilemmas inevitably serve these purposes


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How to Cite

Botchorishvili, M. (2024). The Role of Teaching with Dilemmas in the Process of Teaching and Learning. International Scientific Conference “EDUCATION, RESEARCH, PRACTICE” Proceedings, 5, 147–153.



Subject Teaching Methodology